The Will to Heal™ is an extremely effective technique for relieving pain.
The Will to Heal™ Technique lends itself to healing any condition where the mind plays a strong role, such as anxiety, depression, post traumatic stress disorder, irritable bowel disease, weight loss, asthma and stress.
The Will to Heal™ Technique shows you how every thought and emotion you experience affects your body by influencing the production of powerful chemical messengers.
By understanding some of the simple functions of your brain, this technique will teach you how to gain clarity between your thoughts and feelings.
For years, we have known that visualization is extremely powerful.
Every professional athlete utilizes visualization for preparation and practice. For example, ski racers "see the course in their mind before they race", professional golfers "see the shot in their mind" before they swing the club, and basketball players "see the free throw" before they reach the line.
The Will to Heal™ Technique is a unique program that uses a visualization technique along with a basic understanding of your body, to relieve pain, help heal illness and embrace an overall feeling of calm and well-being.
A combination of easy to understand text, detailed medical illustrations and guided meditations, teach you how to activate your mind-body connection.

The technique is rooted in personal experience. While doing readings at Lightworks, Andrew developed a method of visualization that helped both him and others with challenges in their lives. Many years later, when he was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease, Andrew adapted this visualization technique to help heal his illness. He asked Elise to provide him with two medical illustrations – one of a healthy bowel and the other showing what Crohn’s disease looks like. Andrew took time to meditate, using these illustrations to visualize a healing process inside his colon. Six weeks later, when he returned to the hospital for a follow-up colonoscopy, the surgeon was pleasantly surprised to see that only scarring remained where there had previously been open lesions. He asked Andrew, what he had been doing to cause such a remission. When Andrew explained, the surgeon laughed and said, “Whatever you’re doing - keep doing it! Last time I saw you, I thought I was going to have to remove part of your intestine – but now it looks like it’s healing quite well!”
Andrew and Elise have used the knowledge they gained during this experience and have combined it with further understanding of the placebo effect, to create the Will to Heal™ Technique. Elise guides you through her accurate and detailed medical illustrations so that you can learn about the causes of pain and illness that you are experiencing. You will learn how your mind and body exchange information in order to initiate your mind-body healing connection.
It is well documented, that the more detail that goes into the visual process – the more effective the results are. This is why Elise’s explanation and illustrations of your anatomy and physiology are explained in such detail.
Andrew guides you through the visual processes, set to gentle music, leading you into a relaxed, receptive mental state – a form of gentle hypnosis and stress reduction. While in this relaxed state, you will be guided to use the knowledge you have gained to help release your pain and heal illness.
"The more detailed the visualization, the more control you have over painful conditions. These techniques can actually change not only your attitude but also the function of your body in a positive way."
Gerald M. Levine, M.D. C.C.F.P.
"This gentle approach to healing provides a place where the ‘brain injured person can take a breath and not work so hard at recovery and still see results."
Jean Oostrom has lived with a brain injury since 1997,
"The Will to Heal not only gave me hope but changed my whole outlook on life! "
Lisa Jordan-Crain
"It is my opinion that using the Will to Heal Technique can be quite effective in treating the pain of anxiety and depression as well as treating physical pain."
James R. Bell, MD, AAFP, ABHM (American Board of Holistic Medicine)
"The Will to Heal has taught me how to help myself become pain free… I call it decoding and re-patterning. I know my old patterns are going to take time to change, but the Will To Heal has enabled me to become aware – and that is the key! "
Lorri Watson, Mind Body and Soul
"The calmness that I felt during the visual processes was addictive and they helped me relieve my pain for extended periods of time. The Will to Heal is a very empowering program!”
Shelley Divall, Solutions Plus
"A Guided Workbook to Relieve Pain, develops one's capacity to focus their complete attention on the mind-body connection."
Michael Mendizza, Founder, Touch the Future
"The Will to Heal Technique reveals, in depth and detail, precisely what you must picture in your mind to foster a transformation from ill health to vibrant well-being."
Kent Osborne, Executive Coach
"The Will to Heal Technique shows you, ever so simply, how to relax and block the pain. Not only does it tell how to do it, but it guides you there. It’s a great tool and was a big help – to both of us."
Leslie Bowness
Access Your Body’s Internal Pharmacy to Relieve Your Pain Naturally!
Did you know that the most effective pain-killers and anti-depressants are produced in your body? This workbook will take you on a journey that provides you with the understanding and tools to effectively relieve or even eliminate the pain that you are feeling.
The Will to Heal™ has been proven to be an extremely effective pain management technique. From page 7 of the workbook onward, the narrated CDs will be your guide. Each narrated chapter will teach you how your mind and body exchange information in order to initiate your mind-body connection healing. It is through this understanding that you will gain the knowledge necessary to effectively control your pain.
Elise provides you with the narrations and illustrations that will help you understand the cause of your pain. Andrew’s narrations will show you how your every thought and emotion affects the production of powerful chemical messengers that can either increase or decrease the pain that you are feeling.
The three visual processes that are included in this program are set to gentle music, which lead you into a relaxed, receptive mental state – a form of mindfulness stress reduction. While in this relaxed state, you will be guided to use the knowledge you have gained to help release your pain.