Chapter 4: Forever is the Soul

Welcome back to our next Forever is the Soul video. In this video Andrew will explain the meaning of the title of Chapter 4, Going Home. He’ll share his thoughts on how we are composed of both energy and mass and how we can connect with our inner light – or energy. Chapter 4 Going…

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Chapter 3: Forever is the Soul

In this video, Andrew will explain the meaning of the title Convergence. He’ll share with you his ideas on left hemisphere and right hemisphere function as it pertains to consciousness and spiritual awareness. Forever is the Soul: Chapter 3, Convergence Separation is an illusion created in the physical world by human beliefs. This sub-heading is…

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Chapter 2: Forever is the Soul

In this video, Andrew will explain the meaning of the title When Spirit Calls. He’ll share with you his perception of both the ego and the soul and perhaps offer you a different perspective on time. Forever is the Soul: Chapter 2, When Spirit Calls When the heartbeat stops, a new adventure begins.  This sub-heading…

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Chapter 1: Forever is the Soul

This video is the first of a series of 23 video blogs that explain the underlying messages in the chapter sub-headers in the novel, Forever is the Soul. The author, Andrew MacWha, shares the philosophy that motivated him to write each chapter. Forever is the Soul: Chapter 1, When Death Comes Each minute of your…

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Thinking About Trees

Concentrate for a moment and imagine a tree. Roots reaching deep into the ground, drawing water and nutrients upwards from the soil, leaf-filled branches, a blue sky and sunshine. I see my tree in my mind’s eye and for that moment, my conscious mind is occupied by what my thoughts have created. Close your eyes…

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