Forever is the Soul
a novel by Andrew J. MacWha
Have you ever wondered if there is an afterlife, or wondered what happens to you when you die?
Forever is the Soul will take you on an insightful journey into a world beyond our physical lives. The story, told from the perspective of a disincarnate soul, explores the multifaceted relationship between the physical world and the world of spirits.
Denis, a retired psychic who chose to end his own life and Maria, a neurologist who had a tragic car accident, die at exactly the same moment. During their physical lives they did not know each other but in death, they discover they have always been and will forever remain together. From the spirit world, they interact and influence the physical world in ways unimagined.
Charlotte and James are in their early thirties, living separate lives until the deaths of Maria and Denis mysteriously bring them together. As Charlotte and James grow closer, a veil between dimensions begins to lift.
Forever is the Soul beautifully illustrates how every life matters in the continuum of an evolving spiritual consciousness that is destined to bring peace to our turbulent world.
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“For anyone who has lost a loved one or who may be facing the end of their own life, Forever is the Soul offers peace and reassurance. Personally, the story left me wanting to live my life fully, to search for and accept new possibilities. Let the journey continue!”
Reverend Cheryl Ann Smith - Play in the Divinity of Life
"I enjoy the measured, almost hypnotic pace of the narrative. A spell is cast, and I am drawn into another world, a place of expanded awareness. The words vibrate with quiet authority and a soft, yet intense energy; the sentences weave in and around my consciousness."
Claudia Mandler McKnight, BA, Bed, MA. DTATI, RCAT, RP
Artist, Educator, Art Therapist
"Andrew MacWha has provided us with some rare insights in this tale. Forever is the Soul provides us with a compelling invitation to be about the business of attending to the Soul, without further delay."
Ruth M. Strunz,
Registered Psychotherapist
“By illuminating the spaces and places of wholeness, the novel offers not only hope, but a compassionate guide to the kind of thoughts and actions which must be cultivated in order to live fully. It is a stalwart journey from despair and regret to joy and liberation.”
Claudia Mandler McKnight BA, Bed, MA. DTATI, RCAT, RP
Artist, Educator, Art Therapist
Forever is the Soul is an engaging, thoroughly entertaining read. More importantly, it really gets you thinking about our place in the universe, the role of religion, modern-day spirituality, and our connectedness with all souls, past and present. For anyone who ponders, "What's next?" this book will give you a great deal to think about.
Debra Locking

About the Author
Andrew J. MacWha is the author of Forever is the Soul and co-author of A Guided Workbook to Relieve Pain. He has written and recorded many guided meditations, including six meditations that compliment the story Forever is the Soul, entitled Activating Spiritual Consciousness.
Andrew lectures on topics related to spirituality and reincarnation. He also conducts workshops on health and wellness with his partner Elise Walmsley under the Will to Heal Project.
Enjoy this series of video blogs that explain the underlying messages in the chapter titles and sub-titles in the novel, Forever is the Soul. The author, Andrew MacWha, shares the philosophy that motivated him to write each chapter.
An Introduction by the Author
Every spirit has a story and this is mine. From the perspective of my ego I would say that I was born on June 9, 1958. However, from the perspective of my spirit, I would have to say that I re-entered the physical realm on September 2, 1957. You see September 2nd was the day my parents provided me with a re-entry point. For two hundred and eighty days my body grew and I witnessed the development of the person I had chosen to become.
I was born the second son of J.K. MacWha and his wife Barbara. Dad was a military man stationed in Brandon, a few miles east of Carberry, Manitoba. Carberry had a small hospital and it was in that hospital that I was born, a healthy baby boy. Within minutes of my birth, silver nitrate was placed in my eyes as an antiseptic, which was the usual practice at the time. A problem occurred, something to do with the dilution, and my eyes received a chemical burn. My left eye healed but I was blinded in my right eye. On a personal level, blindness in my right eye has been my greatest challenge. However, from my spirit’s overview, everything was going as planned.
You will quickly discover that one of the main characters in Forever is the Soul is also blind in his right eye. Coincidence? I think not. His name is Denis and he spent many of his fifty-seven years working as a psychic reader. I spent twelve years of my life doing readings, thousands of them. I made a living throughout the ‘80s and early ‘90s reading people’s auras and energy fields. I’ll soon be sixty and as I sit here writing these words, I look back on that part of my life and I think to myself, that was a very odd thing to do.
Since my birth a white scar has covered my right eye. Prior to doing readings, I felt somewhat disconnected from most people. As a child I identified with Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer. His red nose prevented him from playing with the other reindeers, and my white eye ostracized me in a similar way. My eye and Rudolf’s nose, handicaps indeed. Staying with the story, a red nose became a light in a snowstorm and Rudolf found his way. For me, understanding my eye became my guiding light, which in time led me to write this book.
So why Forever is the Soul? During my years as a reader I was often asked the question, “What do you think happens when a person dies?” My answer was based on my belief that the soul evolves as it moves from one life to the next. So the answer I gave went something like this: When the body dies the ego begins a journey of self-assimilation. In essence, the life that just ended begins to merge with the totality of the soul. Every life experienced, every thought and emotion is added to that totality. As a process of acceptance takes place, the ego begins to see through the wisdom of its soul. It’s a blending of all that you were in life with all that you are and have ever been.
Although my days of being a psychic reader have long since ended, my ability to read energy has continued to point me in the direction I need to go. I have known for years that I would one day write a book that captured what I had experienced as a reader. However, in order to write this book, I needed many more years of growth.
By 2013 Forever is the Soul began to call me. The name appeared so clearly one day and pointed me in a direction that I immediately understood. I knew I wanted to tell a story about humanity, consciousness and spirit and I knew, as the first lines appeared, that the narrator was going to be a spirit who had just left a physical life behind. At the time I had no idea how expansive the story would become, nor did I know the challenges I would face while writing it.
Illness can happen overnight and I wrote Forever is the Soul during the most physically challenging time of my life. I had hoped to write the book over a six to eight month period. It ended up taking me over four years. I thanked God for everything I had learned while developing The Will to Heal Technique.
At fifty-five years of age my body betrayed me. My nervous system broke and I was left inside a body that no longer felt like mine. What had been a low maintenance body had suddenly become very high maintenance. My entire body was engulfed in pins and needles, a condition called neuropathy. Brain fog, that's a ton of fun. Throughout those years I experienced a number of powerful anxiety and panic attacks. Let me tell you, prison is not always a place with bars. In my case, I was sent to a prison within my own body. I did not know the crime I had committed, nor did I know the duration of my sentence. But what I did know was that I was being forced to slow down. I needed time to heal.
In time, I was diagnosed with an intolerance to grain proteins and it took almost four years for my body to recover. I learned that when one's microbiome is out of whack the biochemical balance necessary to maintain a clear and defined consciousness is almost impossible. I did get better. Diet change, patience, love and trust in my body's ability to heal, eventually led me back to health. Throughout the duration, Elise was my healer, my diet changer, my write your book motivator. Some days I could only get a few paragraphs out, but that was always enough for her. She would sit and listen with her loving enthusiasm as I read my day’s efforts.
Slowly, Forever is the Soul began to take shape. Throughout the ordeal of my illness, I felt like I had died without dying. Even if my body was truly degenerating to the point of my own death, writing a book about a spiritual journey provided me with a connection to another, more expansive part of myself. I know that part is my soul. As the story revealed itself I could feel a connection with the narrator that lifted me out of my discomfort and urged me on. As I wrote, I learned to trust in what I had always felt and seen through my one seeing eye.
Apart from the love I feel in my heart, it was Forever is the Soul that kept me going through the struggle with my health. The story lifted me out of my own mortal fears and showed me a different perspective. I know that we are much more than these egos we see through. We are spirits manifested into the time and place of our choosing. As a species we are evolving into a greater consciousness and finally, we’re beginning to remember who we really are. As you read Forever is the Soul, my fictional story, perhaps you will come to a similar conclusion.
In summary, I hope that by reading Forever is the Soul, the spirit in me can convey to you just how important you really are. I know that each one of us is feeling overwhelmed by the speed of change that surrounds us. I also know there are many voices calling out to you, saying go this way or go that way. What I would like say to you is, go inside yourself and trust in your feelings. I truly believe that there is a quiet narrator inside of you waiting to be heard.
Andrew J. MacWha
May, 2018