Mindful Eating: The Raisin Exercise

Mindfulness informs us that we have this moment and within this moment we have consciousness. As the mind passes through this moment of consciousness, choice always prevails. Much of what we register on a conscious level is reactionary, so the more aware we can keep ourselves moment to moment, the more we can think the…

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Loving Kindness Meditation

This guided meditation will take you on a journey into yourself to find love, kindness and acceptance from within and then channel this energy out to others in the world. Compassion is defined as “sympathetic consciousness of others’ distress together with a desire to alleviate it” {The Merriam-Webster Dictionary}. While being able to show compassion…

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Some Scents Are Nonsense

The toxicity of scented dryer sheets and scented fabric softeners has been known for years, but for some reason, it hasn’t become common knowledge. Fabric softeners and fragrances are designed to stay in your clothes for a long period of time and hold that so called, “fresh smell” These chemicals slowly seep out of your…

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Four Steps to Mind-Body Connection Healing

Mind body connection healing is about directing your thoughts so that you can essentially think yourself healthy.  The process involves visualizing parts of your body healing, and the belief is, that as you visualize these things happening, they actually will happen within your body.

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Thinking About Trees

Concentrate for a moment and imagine a tree. Roots reaching deep into the ground, drawing water and nutrients upwards from the soil, leaf-filled branches, a blue sky and sunshine. I see my tree in my mind’s eye and for that moment, my conscious mind is occupied by what my thoughts have created. Close your eyes…

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Five Ways Mindfulness Courses Will Help You

Mindfulness courses are all about reducing stress and really focusing your energies on the positive.  Mindfulness is a therapeutic way to pay extra close attention on something very specific.  Mindfulness courses have their root in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, a technique developed by Dr. Jon Kabat-Zin at the University of Massachusetts.  The idea was to use mindfulness…

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